Diane Heller's traditional animation and design career has included a wide variety of clients: Mattel Toys; UCLA; Cigna Healthcare; Fox Television; Nintendo; Pyramid Educational Films as well as numerous movies and regional commercials. Clips can be seen on her site: www.dianimation.com.
In addition to these live-action / 2-D animation productions, Diane Heller created original images, and contributed archival footage and music for three TV series for David Wolper / Robert Guenette Productions:
Golf: The Greatest Game
Celebrate the Century
Legends, Icons and Superstars of then 20th Century.
During this time, Ms. Heller received grants for her own documentaries. She was awarded an N.E.H. / California Council for the Humanities grant for her screenplay:
Our Music: A History of the 5/4 Ballroom.
Ms. Heller established an oral history archive with the interviews from that research. Other grants include: Women in Film Research Grant, Roy W. Dean Video Grant and United States Information Agency Grant.